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What Are Some Of The Most Common Reasons For Dental Emergencies?

Jan 3

Searching for a "Dentist Near Me" is considered a responsible and preventative thing to do. It would allow you to take the right actions in case of a dental emergency. It is also a way for you to seek immediate help from dental experts to reduce the suffering.

Damage to your gums or bones, as well as oral infection and other dental emergencies, should not be overlooked. These are potentially life-threatening and will almost certainly necessitate emergency dental care. If you overlook an oral problem, you run the danger of lasting damage, which may necessitate more severe and costly treatment later. Dental mishaps can occur so swiftly that you have no idea what happened.


What are some of the most common reasons for dental emergencies?


Sports, biking, automobile accidents, work-related accidents, and even rough play in and around the house can all result in oral injuries that end in a dental emergency.

Chipped teeth can also be caused by drinking from glass bottles or eating something extremely hard that cracks or fractures a tooth.

An infection could also result in a tooth abscess, which, if not treated promptly, can develop into a severe disease that necessitates emergency medical attention.


Common dental emergencies



Tooth pain can suggest a variety of dental issues, and the source of the pain should be determined so that it can be treated. Pulp infections and something wedged between two teeth are two typical causes of toothaches. It is especially vital to see an emergency dentist if tooth pain occurs abruptly, worsens over time, or is severe. Meanwhile, a cool compress may help relieve some of the pain.


Cracks or chips

Chips and cracks in teeth can occur as a result of biting down on hard objects, utilizing teeth for purposes other than biting and chewing, or as a result of an accident. Chipped or cracked teeth are more common in people who grind or clench their teeth. If you have a chipped or cracked tooth, you should get treatment from an emergency dentist. Rinse any tooth fragments, place them in a glass of milk or water, and bring them to your emergency dental appointment.


Teeth that are loose or knocked out

Any face trauma that causes teeth to loosen or fall out necessitates immediate dental attention. If a tooth is loose, it is critical to keep it in its socket in order to prevent it from coming out. You can achieve this by gently chewing down on the tooth to keep it in place. It's critical to try to locate a missing tooth if one has been knocked out. If the lost tooth is discovered, the crown should be the only one to handle it and rinse it. You can save a lost tooth in one of two ways: first, you can re-insert it into its socket and bite it down as if it were a loose tooth. Second, just like tooth fragments from a chipped tooth, you can preserve it in a glass of milk or water.


Injury to the Soft Tissues

The lips, gums, insides of the cheeks, and tongue are all soft tissues in the mouth. If you have an injury to one of these structures, call your emergency dentist for instructions on where to go. Some situations may necessitate the use of an emergency dentist, while others may necessitate a trip to the emergency hospital. Before applying pressure to stop bleeding, soft tissue injuries such as lacerations, punctures, and tears should be washed with warm water.


Dental Restorations That Are Missing or Are Loose

Both temporary and permanent restorations can become loose or fall out, while temporary restorations are significantly more common. They both require emergency dental care, regardless of the method of repair. You will need to bring in the restoration for a permanent restoration. You might be able to maintain a temporary restoration in place with Vaseline, chapstick, or denture adhesive until you see your dentist.


If I have a dental emergency, what should I do?

Make an appointment with the dentist near you first. They might be able to see you if it's during regular business hours. Other choices for dental emergencies outside of typical office hours include an urgent care center or an emergency room for significant mouth injuries.

Examine your dental plan to discover how dental emergencies are handled, as well as how much you and your plan may be responsible for.


Overall, dental emergencies such as toothaches, chipped, broken, loose, or missing teeth, soft tissue injuries, and missing dental restorations need professionals such as River District Smiles. If you or a member of your family suffers from one of these dental emergencies, make an appointment with an emergency dentist right once. Despite the fact that most medical crises necessitate a trip to the emergency room, most emergency facilities will simply refer dental emergencies to an emergency dentist. As a result, to save time and avoid unnecessary suffering, go straight to your nearest emergency dental practice. Call River District Smiles today! 

